Thursday, January 29, 2015

A powerful message

The guys are able to finish watering the trees today. 

Other areas around us have gotten some rain but the clouds continue to go around us. Yes, it can be discouraging but that doesn't seem to stop the team as they work. Jean Robert explained that the work he is doing is more important than getting paid. He would rather see the land developed then to be paid.

A powerful message from someone that doesn't have a lot of other means to live off of. 


Wednesday, January 28, 2015

It’s time they moved…

Samuel started growing some seedlings on the Lemuel property. 
The CHICKENS have been feasting on the little shoots so TODAY the ladies moved the trees to Samuel’s land.

 Samuel’s land is not far from the Lemuel property. 
 The Lemuel property was purchased 15 years ago. You can you see here how reforestation has changed this plot of land.

When the cistern/depot is finished being built the tree nursery will be the next to build. Then we can start 1,000’s of seedlings so this whole area can be reforested. 
Seems like a big dream but we believe it’s possible! 


Tuesday, January 27, 2015


With the gifts that have been given we have enough to buy a lot of the materials needed to build the cistern/depot. 

TODAY the materials will be purchased and EARLY Wednesday morning the building will start! 

Saturday, January 24, 2015

We thought it would rain..

Yesterday the clouds were banking and looking like it would rain. The rain did not come. 

The guys made the decision to water the trees but they only had enough water to water 1/3 of the trees. They will see if they can get more water on Monday. 

Little Anya came to encourage the guys as they watered the trees.  


Thursday, January 22, 2015

little by little...

This week a few more donations came in! 
We sent the truck into Anse Rouge to buy cement...and this is what you have! 

  The guys where very happy yesterday to start making the blocks. They will need 675 to have enough to make the depot/cistern. 

We will wait till we have the funds to purchase the rest of the materials needed to start the construction.

 Everyone is very excited about the continuous progress on the land! 


Tuesday, January 20, 2015

She has a chance…

She has a chance…
A year ago Widlene’s baby died unexpectedly. With little education and no job things were looking bleak for her. Now Widlene has been given a job to work on the land with the team of Samuel’s Trees. She will save her money so she can go to school in the fall.

Helping Samuel’s Trees now is not only helping a long term vision of change for this area but is giving jobs now for people who would not have a chance to go further in their life.   

Monday, January 19, 2015

take a walk with me...

Walking on the land, it's hard to comprehend how anything grows. 
BUT we want to show you what is possible...

Remember the Mapou tree? It's still growing! 

the Mango tree
The bawon tree is giving pods for more trees to grow.

Donate to SAMUEL’S TREES in Dollars CLICK HERE
Tax Receipt CLICK HERE, Make NOTE: Lemuel –Samuel’s Trees

Saturday, January 17, 2015

The urgency…

By 2016 our community of “Grand Diable” “Big Devil” wants to change its name to “Cité Lemuel” “City of GOD”. Samuel wants to present to the community a Center for Development. With all that is involved in this vision it doesn't seem humanly possible. The guys working on the land believe it can be done.

While working on the foundation for the cistern/depot another small team of guys continue digging out the land to level it for the house.

 Look at what they have to dig through and the ladies are helping out too!!!


Friday, January 16, 2015

The land of FAITH

 This morning 5 additional men were called to come to the land. 

TODAY they are putting in the foundation for the depot/cistern. 

So why the urgency to start when there is no money yet to build? Watering the trees is a huge expense as diesel prices have gone up to $5 US a gallon. If we have the depot with a cistern that can hold water this will give the guys more opportunity to water the trees and decrease our expenses.
The estimated cost of the depot/cistern is $5,780 USD or €5,000.

Pressing on in FAITH! 


Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Everything’s connected…

Islande started working on the land last week, cooking and helping with other jobs. Her family was considered one of the poorest in our community. Like others they have struggled with failed gardens for lack of rain. Now she’s working on the land that could potentially give her children and grandchildren a better future.  

To give this vision a boost we will need your help. Every time you LIKE or SHARE our post it brings awareness. Like Nicole, using her small business to bring awareness and potential support is a HUGE way to help make this vision a reality! 


Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Encouraging Boost for Samuel’s Trees!!!

Nicole Henderson first visited us here in 2013. She came with a group from her church in Wisconsin to teach English in the Lemuel School. She heard about Samuel’s vision to develop a section of land but it didn’t really sink in what he was planning to do till her last visit this past December. When she saw the thousand trees planted in such dry arid land she knew she wanted to do more to help.

Nicole is a wife, mother of two and runs a small business out of her home. To encourage Samuel’s Trees she would like to use her small business as a way of promoting awareness and find further support for this project.
 Thank you NICOLE!!! 


Monday, January 12, 2015

Earthquake reminders to prepare for the future!

 Most of the guys are sick with a fever going around but they have chosen to keep working! 
The foundation for the depot/cistern is DONE! When the funds are available they will start to build.
Today is the 5 year anniversary since the earthquake. So when it comes to constructing any building its important its built to withstand the shocks of another earthquake. It is said we are not fare from a fault line so one never knows when the earth may shake again. 


Thursday, January 8, 2015

We have a dilemma?

The situation we are facing right now is water. We have not had rain for well over a month now.


Do we continue to water these trees we have planted knowing that without trees the next generation will never see rain?

Do we share the water we have so that others around us are able to cover their basic needs to live for today?

Working here on this land is not easy. It’s hard to keep the future in mind when the immediate needs are so great. 
for a tax deductable receipt

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

LADIES added to the TEAM!

Monday our team grew! 
Jean Robert, who was working on the land will now be more directly responsible guys working. Two more young men were added to the team along with two ladies! 
YES LADIES! These ladies will help in different ways like COOKING food!
FOOD is getting ready...
The men are all very happy with these changes!

Make note it's for Lemuel, Samuel's Trees