Here I am trying to do something new for me with this Blog and trying to see if new is something good. I can say that in the last couple weeks there have been lots of changes going on, which made it difficult to write. I am now in the church committee. If I say now, that would mean that I started to take the responsibilities as a member of the church committee. The same happened with the developing part of Lemuel. I took those responsibilities on me and besides doing the devotions 4 times a week for the employees and doing the adult Sunday school class, those are the main areas I am now working in.
I can say that my relationship to the administration team (Judy, Krischelle and Manis) is growing more and more and I am feeling more comfortable talking through struggles with them.
I am thankful on how God is guiding me and you never know how he uses the situations you got yourself in to make something great out of them. I am just amazed on how he guides and forms me into the person he wants me to become.
We had some great rain coming down this week on Monday. It rained 5 1/2 inches which made it one of the biggest rains they ever had here. It is really interesting to see what God is doing.
I am now going to Port-au-Prince again for a couple days, please pray for a safe trip.
I also would need a lot of prayers for the responsibilities I took on me, with the church committee and the development.
And don't forget to pray for my personal relationship with our savior.
Thank you very much for all your prayers! We are working together.
Super klasse, thx for the updates Sam! Praying for you as the responsibilities increase - keeping leaning on him, and he'll continue to show up in amazing ways like you say he has. ~dan kaz