Almost a week ago today Samuel and Michael finished designing
the drip irrigation system. They were determined to find items here in Haiti that
others in the community could one day purchase: large buckets, elevated platform,
medical syringe, and black hose.
Thursday, the system was set up.
Early Saturday morning, it RAINED! Not much, but it was enough to soak the ground.
Monday evening, we finished planting.
Tuesday….the first plot of millet is COMING UP!!!
There is still speculation among the community as to how and
if it will work. One commented, “If there is no rain, you will lose your crop.”
It’s hard to understand something so different then what they are used to. If
there is no rain will we still have a crop? We think, “YES!”
I pray it works and that each drop of water from the bucket through the syringe down the hose to the seed provides moisture enough to bring the seed to the fullness of whatever it was created to be. I pray the same for the people who are watching.... including me....that we would find the life giving water of Jesus that can transform us into becoming all that He intends us to be.