While visiting some families in the community today we had a
unexpected surprise waiting for us. In April Celisa had a water cistern built
for his family. We encouraged him, along with others to start cleaning their yards
from thorns so it can be usable again. Celisa’s family not only cleaned their
yard but started to build a fence. When asked why they were putting up a fence
he shared that he sees how our land has a fence to keep out the animals so they
won’t eat the trees. YES!!! HE’S PLANNING ON PLANTING TREES! We were so
encouraged to hear this!
Everything we are doing at Samule’s Trees is with this in
mind that one day others in the community will see that it is possible for them
to do what we are doing!
FIRST: have a source of water CHECK
SECOND: make your fence and keep them crazy
animals OUT! CHECK
The motivation to keep raising funds for the TREE NURSERY is
there because the community is getting ready to plant!
Waiting to see how God will provide.
How HOPEFUL is this?? I am inspired.